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German course for beginners 1 an easy way to start making yourself understood in german: when introducing yourself, at a hotel, in a café and when traveling.. Free online german audio course for beginners. start learning german today with the online audio course from the deutschakademie!. Learn german online with over 20.000 exercises including grammar and vocabulary. over 800 hours of interactive learning german online, for free.

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Learn german with an online training course to learn to speak german

Online german course - learn german online, for free
The german language is much easier to learn than you might have heard. with the right course structure, a little discipline, and some online tools or apps. Learn how to speak german with courses, classes, lessons,audio and videos, including the alphabet, phrases, vocabulary, pronunciation, grammar, activities and tests.. Learn german online at babbel with our award winning interactive german online courses. you'll make fast progress & have fun doing it. try it out now!.